Our vision
The world of traditional TV is in a moment of transformation due to the convergence of Internet, advertising and streaming technologies. The possibilities that open up from free access to content on TV will lead us to gradually change the traditional business as it has been established for decades. For this path, we are creating a top-level expert team whose objective is to promote this change towards new forms of interaction, new actors and an increase in business volume for all players.

A leading team
The team of professionals at The Channel Store together has over 300 years of experience in video and TV advertising. We have the best experts with recognized international prestige who add business knowledge, anticipation of trends, high quality design and architecture of TV and Internet services and, above all, the vision to continuously innovate in this sector with disruptive ideas.

Eudald Domenech
First Internet entrepreneur in Spain, 25+ years deeply immersed in the Internet and TV sector. Founder of companies such as Servicom, World Online, Telepolis, InOutTV, MediadataTV and Totalchannel, subsequently acquired by large companies. Forum speaker, consultant and mentor of several start-ups.

Fran Sáez
20+ years coordinating global projects in Telefónica related to video and IT. Building up engineering and design teams to implement innovation plans based on business initiatives. Member of the board of directors of Terra Latam and Telefónica Digital.

Fernando García Calvo
20+ years in Video products with roles as Product Director, Business Development, Data Intelligence and Digital Marketing. Latest positions: Head of TV Products for Telefonica (Latam), Huawei Video Director (EU) and Petal Search Director (search engine EU). Frequent speaker in Video and Marketing events and investor in several start-ups.

Miguel Angel Santiago
Tiene un doctorado en procesamiento de video con más de 10 años en la industria y una destacada carrera en diseño de software. Es un referente tecnológico en los despliegues a nivel mundial de cabeceras IPTV/OTT. Durante su paso por Telefónica logró reconocimiento empresarial y afianzó su vinculación con el sector.
Gran líder de equipo y mentalidad innovadora para romper los límites de las tecnologías de video

Víctor Solis
Revenue & Ads Director
Más de 10 años en el ecosistema publicitario, entre Londres y Madrid, en empresas líderes en tecnología (Criteo) y publicidad en vídeo (Teads, Vidoomy o Freewheel). Víctor ha sido presidente de la Comisión CTV en IAB España, donde ha contribuido a la infografía y el Libro Blanco de Advance TV.

Miguel Coronado
CDO (Chief Data Officer)
Doctorado en procesamiento de datos con más de 10 años de experiencia en la construcción de infraestructuras de datos y la definición de procesos de datos para mejorar el rendimiento del producto y brindar información a los clientes. Fundó dos startups en las que el dato era clave para el desarrollo del negocio. En la más reciente (Teltoo, que fue adquirido por Haivision), se recopilaron y procesaron diariamente TB de registros de millones de usuarios para impulsar el algoritmo de entrega de video y exponerlos a los clientes en tiempo real. Es un pensador innovador apasionado por crear productos desafiantes y disruptivos que tengan un impacto real en sus mercados objetivo.

Miguel Villamizar
Emmy award winning producer with 20+ years working in Europe, U.S. and Latam with traditional media (Univision Network) and social media (We Are Era, 2btube,Territory Influence, Jellysmack). Has worked closely with a large network of publishers both offline, online as well as with social media creators.
Alex Van Woikowsky
DACH Business
Experienced professional and online native in the media, digital, broadcast, video and content industry. Extensive network and a proven experience in media sales and distribution deals. Worked in Hubert Burda Media, ProSieben7, Maxdome, 7TV (Joyn).